2 minute read

Game List

Game Name Complexity Time Players, Best
Root 3.75 90 3-4, 4
Sidereal Confluence 3.53 180 4-9, 6
Netrunner (Nisei) 3.40 45 2
Mage Wars Academy 3.03 30 2
Dune Imperium 3.01 120 2-4, 4
Viticulture 2.89 90 2-6, 4
TS: Red Sea 2.67 75 2
A War of Whispers 2.56 60 4
Hive 2.32 20 2
Undaunted 2.25 60 2
Clank 2.22 60 2-4, 3
7 Wonders Duel 2.22 30 2
LOTR: The Confrontation 2.20 30 2
Dice Throne 2.18 40 2-4, 2
Revolution 2.04 60 3-4, 4
Mindbug 2.00 25 2
Kiri-ai: The Duel 2.00 10 2
Quacks of Quendlinburg 1.95 45 2-4, 4
Cascadia 1.83 45 1-4, 3
Sheriff of Nottingham 1.81 60 3-6, 5
Splendor 1.78 30 2-4, 3
Air, Land & Sea 1.75 30 2
Patchwork 1.61 30 2
Fox in the Forest 1.58 30 2
Jaipur 1.47 30 2

Game Report

Each after game report will include:

  • Game Name
  • Players in Place Order (winning player first, second second and so forth)
  • Game start time
  • Game end time
  • Signatures of all players

Points will be calculated for the players automatically, as long as you submit your Game Report correctly.


Points1 will be awarded based on each Game Report such that first place is worth the number of minutes played and last place is worth half as many points as first. The other places will subdivide the gap between first and last evenly2.

For example:

Let’s say Skylar, Paul, Zack and Les play a zesty game of Dune Imperium

They play for 145 minutes and Les wins (due to his Mentat training, no doubt)

Zack comes in second place, Paul third and poor foolish Skylar comes in fourth.

Player Game Time Score
Les 145 minutes 145*(6/6) = 145
Zack 145 minutes 145*(5/6) = 121
Paul 145 minutes 145*(4/6) = 97
Skylar 145 minutes 145*(3/6) = 73

Conceding Is Encouraged

Once it becomes clear that a player is in the lead, especially if it seems like they are dragging the game out to earn extra points, the other players should consider conceding. The game can only be conceded as long as all players besides the winner agree and sign the Game Report. What is written on the Game Report is final.

No Repeats

You may not play the same game back to back.

No Tricks

  1. t * (1+((1-p)/(2n-2))) where t = time, p = place order, and n = # of players 3 

  2. The idea is to reward playing but still penalize losing while maintaining a simple scoring rule 

  3. as an example of why 0 indexing is nice, this simplifies to t * (1-(p/(2n-2))) when first place is 0 

